Saturday, March 9, 2013

Black Irish, by Stephan Talty

Absalom Kearney is a cop raised by a cop in an Irish American enclave in South Buffalo.  She catches the case of a brutal serial killer who seems to be leaving a message that no one in the County is interested in helping her decipher, even to save their own skins.  Buffalo is drawn as the end of the earth, and the County's strengths and failings etched in precise detail.  Grisly.


  1. Damn. I don't want grisly. Sigh.

  2. Congratulations, Stephan Talty. Absalom is an interesting character and the Irish Catholic world in which she lives is described so vividly and it reminds me of stories my husband told to me of growing up in a close knit small town. Well written novel, interesting story.

