Monday, January 10, 2011

Full Circle, by Susan Rogers Cooper

Strange little number.  Cooper weaves together the plot lines of One, Two, What Did Daddy Do?, the first E. J. Pugh mystery, with the Black Cat Ridge part of Romanced to Death, and adds a creepy stalking character and another lost child.  The reader is propelled forward on three time lines, 1989, 1999 and the present, with multiple voices:  mostly EJ, Elizabeth, and Graham and the omniscent narrator who tells the backstories with focus on one of the characters.  Hard to keep tabs, even though Cooper tells you who the main character or narrator is for each segment, which tend to be around a page long, making the pacing pretty quick.  Since I have no recollection of the earlier books, I must say it stands alone pretty well.  Cooper isn't terribly convincing as the internal voice of the teen-aged kids, especially the boy.  She might be a bit delusional. 

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